hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg
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Galeria8 - wystawa Piotra Lutyńskiego - Pieśń Awatara (27.11 - 14.12.2009)
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Galeria8 - wystawa Piotra Lutyńskiego - Pieśń Awatara (27.11 - 14.12.2009)
Hostel8 - poznaniakom ( )
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Hostel8 - poznaniakom ( )
Honorable Guests from Südtirol
In the beginning of November we had the honor to host our great friend Mr. Christian Pircher from Südtirol accompanied by his collegue Mr. Diether Kühbacher. Mr. Christian Pircher is the owner of Hotel Adler - the most magic place to visit in the Alps.
Familie Pircher in front of Hotel Adler:
Map & Directions - Hostel8 - Poznan
Buses 48, 59 and special line „L“ will take you to the center of Poznan. All the above mentioned buses arrive at Rondo Kaponiera (Baltyk Stop); Get off there and get onto tram 5 or 13 headed towards Wroclawska (Wroclawska Street). From there walk towards the Old Brewery via Polwiejska street. Hostel8 is located on Dluga 8 Street (first street going left from Polwiejska street).
You have to get to the tram station located on Most Dworcowy (Railway Bridge) and take tram 5 toward Stomil (tram destination); Get off at Wroclawska (Wroclawska street). From there walk towards the Old Brewery via Polwiejska street. Hostel8 is located on Dluga 8 Street (first street going left from Polwiejska street).
Wyświetl większą mapę
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Map & Directions - Hostel8 - Poznan
Hostel 8 Rezerwacje
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Hostel 8 Rezerwacje
Contact Hostel8
Dluga 8/5
61-850 Poznań
mobile: +48601304921
skype: aheadcorp
Hostel Book Classics
I am not sure which books backpackers carry with them these days so this list may be a little out of date. The concept of backpacker books goes back to the days of the hippy trail when travellers would carry such classics as the I Ching, the Tibetan Book of the Dead or anything by Herman Hesse. A backpacker classic should have an element of profundity, preferably mystical -if not it should have cult status or be a statement about who you really are. There is an element of self discovery in setting off - the path to enlightenment, the journey inwards...A backpacker book is not a 'beach read'--the book must be worth the weight and space it takes up and should be reverentially handed on to other travellers or left in a hotel or bus station for another seeker to chance upon.
Here's a snippet of the list:
Patrick Suskind. Perfume
Umberto Eco. Name of the Rose (also Foucault's Pendulum)
Virginia Woolf. To the Lighthouse
Irvine Welsh. Trainspotting.
Borges. Fictions
Tolkien. The Hobbit (sometimes seen read until it has fallen apart)
Bolano. The Savage Detectives (heavy)
Dan Brown. The Da Vinci Code (light)
Maldoror & A Rebours (for the decadent traveller)
Shakespeare. King Lear
The Duke of Pirajno. A Cure for Serpents (for the traveller in Libya)
Di Lampedusa's deathless 'The Leopard'
Tao te Ching
Popol Vuh: A Sacred Book of the Maya
Cormac McCarthy. All The Pretty Horses
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Hostel Book Classics
Google to unveil music search
Site will include links to song lyrics, previews and news
Associated Press
Oct 21, 2009, 03:16 PM ET
Google Inc. will launch music search pages next week and include ways for consumers to buy songs for download, according to people familiar with the matter.
The music pages will package images of musicians and bands, album artwork, links to news, lyrics and song previews, along with a way to buy songs, they said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to speak publicly about the deal before next Wednesday's announcement.
The package is similar to how companies get individual pages for Google's financial news service.
Song previews and sales will be provided by online music retailer Lala and iLike, a music recommendation application bought by News Corp.'s MySpace this month. Song previews will appear in Lala or iLike online music players, and users won't have to navigate away from the search results page.
The effort marks a new way for Google and the recording companies to promote alternatives to Apple Inc.'s iTunes, the leader in song downloads.
Major recording companies -- including Vivendi SA's Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group Corp. and EMI Group PLC -- pitched the idea to Google a year ago and are cooperating with the project, according to one person.
They will benefit by sharing revenue from song sales with Lala and iLike, while making the discovery, experimentation and buying process simple for people who use Google to search for music.
Although Google won't get a share of song sales, it will collect revenue from advertising that will be shown with the search results, according to the people familiar with the plans.
The development comes as compact disc sales continue to plummet even as sales of individual song downloads are on the rise.
Overall music sales have slid nationwide in seven of the past eight years and recording companies are searching for new ways to tap audiences online and collect revenue from advertising, licensing and downloads.
Hostel8 supports SOMA FM
18 unique channels of listener-supported, commercial-free, underground/alternative radio broadcasting from San Francisco.
SomaFM still needs your donation during our Fall fundraising drive to meet our budget for 2009.
SomaFM is entirely listener-supported. With no commercials or corporate sponsors, we're free to play the best music we find. But that means we need your support to keep us going and to help us expand with more musical channels.
SomaFM accepts Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express online; or you can send a check or money order drawn on US Dollars.
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Hostel8 supports SOMA FM
Taizé - 32 European Meeting - Poznan 28.12.2009 - 01.01.2010
The Taizé Community - 32 European Meeting of The Youth - Poznan 28.12.2009 - 01.01.2010
The Taizé Community is made up of over a hundred brothers, Catholics and from various Protestant backgrounds, coming from around thirty nations. By its very existence, the community is a “parable of community” that wants its life to be a sign of reconciliation between divided Christians and between separated peoples.
The brothers of the community live solely by their work. They do not accept donations. In the same way, they do not accept personal inheritances for themselves; the community gives them to the very poor.
Certain brothers live in some of the disadvantaged places in the world, to be witnesses of peace there, alongside people who are suffering. These small groups of brothers, in Asia, Africa and South America, share the living conditions of the people around them. They strive to be a presence of love among the very poor, street children, prisoners, the dying, and those who are wounded by broken relationships, or who have been abandoned.
Over the years, young adults have been coming to Taizé in ever greater numbers; they come from every continent to take part in weekly meetings. Sisters of Saint Andrew, an international Catholic community founded seven centuries ago, Polish Ursuline Sisters and Sisters of St Vincent de Paul take on some of the tasks involved in welcoming the young people.
Church leaders also come to Taizé. The community has thus welcomed Pope John Paul II, three Archbishops of Canterbury, Orthodox metropolitans, the fourteen Lutheran bishops of Sweden, and countless pastors from all over the world.
From 1962 on, brothers and young people sent by Taizé went back and forth continually to the countries of Eastern Europe, with great discretion, to visit those who were confined within their frontiers.
Brother Roger died on 16 August 2005, at the age of 90, killed during the evening prayer. Since then, Brother Alois, whom Brother Roger chose as his successor many years ago, has been the prior of the Community.
Hostel8 - Sauna
Nostalgia Festiwal - 5-10.10.2009
Hostel8 zaprasza do Poznania na drugą edycję Nostalgia Festiwal Poznań,
która odbędzie się w terminie
5-10 października 2009.
Druga odsłona NOSTALGIA FESTIWAL w Poznaniu ma dwóch głównych bohaterów. Dwa odcienie nostalgii.
Pierwsza to muzyka Valentina Silvestrova - ukraińskiego kompozytora urodzonego w 1937 roku w Kijowie - jednego z najważniejszych twórców dzisiejszej muzycznej Europy. Mówi się o nim jako o neoklasyku, moderniście. On sam opowiada: „nie piszę nowej muzyki. Moja muzyka jest odpowiedzią, echem tego, już istnieje".
Drugim bohaterem jest Gesualdo da Venosa - żyjący na przełomie XVI i XVII wieku włoski Książę Venosy, wielki kompozytor, tajemniczy zbrodniarz. Don Carlo Gesualdo bowiem w szale zazdrości zabił swoją żonę i jej kochanka. W łóżku. Pisał piękne, napięte do granic emocji madrygały miłosne, także utwory sakralne. W Poznaniu - w wykonaniu słynnego The Hilliard Ensemble - usłyszymy najsłynniejszą sakralną kompozycję Gesualda: Tenebrae Responsoria, poświęconą ostatnim chwilom Chrystusa. Usłyszymy też piękną wariację na temat życia i zbrodni Gesualda - operę Luci mie traditrici Salvatore Sciarrina z 1998 roku, jedną z największych oper współczesności.
- 30 zł - jeden koncert
- 120 zł - karnet na cały festiwal
Sprzedaż prowadzi Centrum Informacji Miejskiej (Poznań, ul. Ratajczaka 44, tel. 061- 851-96-45, i sklep muzyczny FRIPP SKLEP (Poznań, Stary Rynek 56, tel. 061-855-71-03,, w którym można również dokonywać rezerwacji biletów oraz za pośrednictwem
Regulamin jest dostępny na stronie:
Więcej szczegółów na temat festiwalu na:
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Nostalgia Festiwal - 5-10.10.2009
10.10.2009 - Urodziny PussyDog - SQ
9 years of PussyDog & 15 years of Dj Wookie
Jak co roku, wczesną jesienią, PUSSYDOG zaprasza na swoje urodziny. W tym roku świętować będziemy 9 rocznicę powstania agencji imprezowej PUSSYDOG oraz 15sto lecie działalności DJa Wookie'go. Jak zawsze, rozdanych zostanie mnóstwo zaproszeń! I jak co roku, mamy nadzieję na przybycie starych i młodych klubowiczów! Tradycyjnie na urodzinach zagra cała czołówka poznańskich djów, reprezentujących różne nurty muzyczne a line up imprezy został ułożony tak, żeby każdy znalazł coś dla siebie.
Serdecznie wszystkich zapraszamy!
A oto szczegóły imprezy urodzinowej:
Pussydog & Wookie Birthday Party
9 years of Pussydog & 15 of dj Wookie
2 dancefloors:
Andy Mile
Leszek Trudnowski
Mik Sync
Peter von Coil
Super T
Wojtek Dominik
and some guests.
Wizualizacje: Patt & H3xus FtVision
Miejsce: SQ Club - Browar
Zaproszenia, VIPussy, Karty - free
reszta - 20zł
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - 10.10.2009 - Urodziny PussyDog - SQ
Hostel8 - jesteśmy inni :)
1. W Hostelu8 przyjmujemy wyłącznie gości z rezerwacjami.
2. W Hostelu8 nie przyjmujemy gości "z ulicy"
3. W Hostelu8 panuje zakaz spożywania alkoholu.
(człowiek porządny pije na mieście :)
4. W Hostelu8 panuje zakaz palenia tytoniu.
(od tego mamy podwórko :)
5. W Hostelu8 każdy czuje się jak w domu.
(bo ma własne klucze i jest niezależny :)
6. W Hostelu8 można przez całą dobę napić się darmowej kawy i herbaty.
(bo tak nam się podoba :)
7. W Hostelu8 można przez całą dobę korzystać do woli z darmowego, bezprzewodowego internetu.
(bo tak powinno być wszędzie :)
8. W Hostelu8 spędzisz spokojnie czas
(bo patrz powyżej :)
We invite you to the 10 Poznan marathon - 11.10.2009
Marathon's Map - Hostel8 position marked by the red spot on the map.
Come to Poznan and start in the biggest marathon in Poland!
* Medals and certificates for all finishers
* Isotonic bewerages on the course
* All finishers can win a car in the lottery draw
New route of the Poznań Marathon - even flatter!
After consultations with the city authorities of Poznań, the Municipal Roads Authorities and the police, as well as taking into account the marathon runners' suggestions, the current route has undergone considerable modifications, thanks to which we have managed to create an even better route for the Poznań marathon.
The route also covers 2 loops, however its cross-section is much more convenient to break life's records.
We have also made it attractive, so that the competitors could have a chance to see the Cathedral, the Poznań Crosses, the Castle or the Old Brewery, while running along the route.
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - We invite you to the 10 Poznan marathon - 11.10.2009
18.09.2009 - The Night of the Living Dead Night
Night of the Living Dead, directed by George Romero, is a 1968 independent black-and-white zombie film. Ben (Duane Jones) and Barbara (Judith O'Dea) are the protagonists of a story about the mysterious reanimation of the recently dead, and their efforts, along with five other people, to survive the night while trapped in a rural Pennsylvania farmhouse.
George Romero completed the film on a $114,000 budget, and after a decade of cinematic re-releases, it grossed some $12 million domestically and $30 million internationally. On its release in 1968, Night of the Living Dead was strongly criticized for its explicit content, but in 1999, the Library of Congress placed it on the National Film Registry as a film deemed "historically, culturally or aesthetically important".
Night of the Living Dead was cited by many as being a groundbreaking film, given its release during the Vietnam-era, due to perceived critiques of late-1960s U.S. society; a historian described it as "subversive on many levels". Although it is not the first zombie film, Night of the Living Dead is the progenitor of the contemporary 'zombie apocalypse' sub-genre of horror film, and it influenced the modern pop-culture zombie archetype. Night of the Living Dead (1968), is the first of six Dead films directed by George Romero, and twice has been remade, as a film of the same name in 1990, directed by Tom Savini, and as Night of the Living Dead 3D in 2006.
The Film will be presented in the basement of Hostel8 at 20:00.
We will also screen some meshups made by the film enthusiasts :)
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - 18.09.2009 - The Night of the Living Dead Night
God is an Astronaut in Poznan
God is an Astronaut & Caspian
Date: 07/09/2009
Time: 20:00
Place: Blue Note /ul. Kościuszki 76/78 (CK Zamek)
They formed in 2002. Their name was inspired by a famous quote from the movie Nightbreed.[1][2] They released their debut album The End of the Beginning (2002) on their own Revive Records label. Their two music videos for The End of the Beginning and From Dust to the Beyond received airplay on MTV UK and on other MTV European networks.
All Is Violent, All Is Bright (2005) is the band's second album. The single Fragile from the album received plays on MTV2 UK's 120 minute show and MTV's "The Comedown" show. God Is an Astronaut released an EP called A Moment of Stillness in 2006.
Their third album, Far from Refuge, was released in April 2007 on Revive Records and as a download via their website.
Their fourth, self-titled album God Is an Astronaut was released November 7, 2008 on Revive Records.
Band members
* Torsten Kinsella (vocals, guitars, keyboards)
* Niels Kinsella (bass, guitars, visuals)
* Lloyd Hanney (drums, synthesizer)
Don't Drink and Drive
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Don't Drink and Drive
The Most Boring Hostel in Poznan Poland
We are the most boring hostel in the center of Poznan. Our ambition is to provide boring accommodation for boring travellers. Just imagine: no smoking, no drugs, no late night parties, no drunks waking you up in the middle of your boring dreams, no animals, no insects, no quarantaine needed upon arrival home. Just a plain essence of being bored.
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - The Most Boring Hostel in Poznan Poland
Radiohead in Poznan :)
[MALTA - Miedzynarodowy Festiwal Teatralny]
w sprzedazy od 15 kwietnia 2009 roku
Na koncert
Dostępne bilety:
I strefa- 220zł (miejsca stojące)
II strefa- 160zł (miejsca stojące)
III strefa- 95zł (miejsca stojące)
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Radiohead in Poznan :)
Spring and Summer in Poznan - Hostel8
If you plan to visit Poznan this spring or summer, you should definetely consider staying with us. Hostel8 is located in the very center of Poznan, within the walking distance to all the most important places in the city. (MAP)
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Spring and Summer in Poznan - Hostel8
IBM - ReThink!
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - IBM - ReThink!
Galeria Piekary - Kamil Kuskowski - 10.03.2009
The Piekary Gallery in Poznan kindly invites you to visit the exhibition of Kamil Kuskowski works "the Truth in Painting". The opening - 10.03.2009 at 19:00.
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Galeria Piekary - Kamil Kuskowski - 10.03.2009
Comments on Hostel8 - (part1)
Dig THIS :)
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Comments on Hostel8 - (part1)
Hostel8 haunted?
As I mentioned some time ago, we started renovating the basements. As always, we try to document the whole process photographically. One of the photos is very surprizing. Is it a nurse? (There is an old, pre-war hospital nearby). You answer for yourself.
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Hostel8 haunted?
Hostel8 - wielki sukces aukcji WOSP
Witaj hostel8!
Wpłata w Aukcji WOŚP 2009
Z przyjemnością informujemy, że Zwycięzca aukcji wpłacił należność za przedmiot na konto Wielkiej Orkiestry Światecznej Pomocy.
Nazwa aukcji:
Weekend- pobyt dla 2 osob w apartamencie Hostel8 (numer: 227560)
Zakończenie aukcji:
śro 14 sty 2009 08:37:32 CET
(.....) justbea (35)
Końcowa cena:
550,00 zł
Wartość wpłaty:
700,00 zł
Data wpłaty:
śro 21 sty 2009 23:06:21 CET
Dziękujemy Ci za udział w Aukcjach Wielkiej Orkiestry w imieniu WOŚP, serwisu Allegro, a przede wszystkim w imieniu dzieci czekających na sprzęt medyczny ratujący ich życie.
Zespół Aukcje WOŚP 2009
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Hostel8 - wielki sukces aukcji WOSP
Hostel8 - Guests from Mongolia
photo: himountainpaul
Beginning of this week we had some guests from Mongolia. They arrived in the middle of the night, they left in the middle of the next day. They did not talk a lot. They ate instant soups and drunk some liquid liquid. I miss them :)
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Hostel8 - Guests from Mongolia
Man at Work
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Man at Work
Hostel8 poleca folwark w Badowie
Piotr Bikont i Sławomir Sierzputowski
17 stycznia (sobota)
do Badowa Górnego k. Mszczonowa
na imprezę Stowarzyszenia Teatralnego Badów
z powodu ograniczonej ilości miejsc na widowni, prosimy zgłaszać swój przyjazd pod adresem lub
(potwierdzeń nie wysyłamy, najwyżej informację, że jest już komplet, skierowaną do tych, którzy się nie zgłaszali)
godz. 19:00
„Gargantua i Pantagruel”
adaptacja i reżyseria:
Piotr Bikont
Krzysztof Knittel
Aleksander Janicki
Joanna Fidler, Beata Kolak i Mirosława Olbińska
godz. 21:00
projekcja filmu (35 minut)
zrealizowanego przez Jagnę Knittel w ramach projektu
Ukraina archaiczna i współczesna - pieśni i ludzie
kręconego we wsiach Prebrody i Stari Koni, położonych na pograniczu ukraińsko białoruskim na Polesiu
filmowi będzie towarzyszyła dyskusja oraz
ok. godz. 22:00
w wykonaniu uczestników projektu
w koncercie wezmą udział:
Maniucha Bikont
Ewa Grochowska
Jagna Knittel
Taras Szumejko
Ewa Winiarska
Między spektaklem a projekcją i koncertem zapraszamy na kolację.
Alkohole zainteresowani goście przywożą ze sobą.
Wstęp wolny, ale miło widziane są darowizny na rzecz Stowarzyszenia w wysokości 50 zł.
Zainteresowanych noclegiem prosimy o rezerwowanie miejsc
pod adresem
lub telefonicznie u Joanny Fidler (603 664 694)
hostel 8 - poznan - centrum - nocleg: 2009 - Hostel8 poleca folwark w Badowie